Ordinance for M. Phil Degree Programme Download here
• 1. Degrees Offered
• 2. Admission Requirements
• 3. Admission and Registration Procedures
• 4. Academic Requirements and Regulations
• 5. Grading system
• 6. Conduct of Examination
• 7. Qualifying Requirements
• 8. Thesis
• 9. Striking off and removal of names from the rolls
• 10. Academic fees
• 11. Refund of Fees
- Degrees Offered
The post graduate degrees to be offered under this Ordinance are as follows:
Master of Philosophy in
Chemistry abbreviated as M. Phil (Chem)
Mathematics abbreviated as M. Phil (Math)
Physics abbreviated as M. Phil (Phy)
Material Science abbreviated as M. Phil (Mat.Sc)
Any other M. Phil degree approved by the Academic Council may also be offered under
this ordinance. - Admission Requirements
For admission to the courses leading to a M. Phil degree an applicant
a) must have a minimum GPA of 3.50 out of 5.00 or a first division or equivalent in
any one of S. S. C and H. S. C or in equivalent examinations and must not have a GPA
less than 2.00 out of 5.00 or a third division or equivalent in any of the aforementioned
b) must have at least 50% marks or a minimum GPA of 2.50 out of
4.0 or its equivalent in B. Sc. Engg. / four-year B. A or B. Sc. degree / M. A or M. Sc.
or MSS degree in the relevant branch.
c) Specific requirements for different departments and institutes are spelt out in the
following sections.
For admission to the course leading to the award of M. Phil. in Mathematics, an
applicant must have obtained a four-year B.A / B. Sc. degree or M. A / M. Sc. degree
with Honours in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics. Applicantes with M. Sc. degree
in Physics or B. Sc. Engineering degree are also eligible provided they complete some
prerequisite courses in Mathematics as determined by a Selection Committee. An
applicant with M. A / M. Sc. but not having a Bachelor (honours) degree in mathematics,
applied mathematics or physics should have a first class ( or equivalent) in the M. A / M.
Sc. degree.
For admission to the course leading to the award of M. Phil degree in Chemistry, an
applicant must have obtained a four-year B. A / B. Sc. degree (or equivalent) or M. Sc.
degree with Honours in Chemistry (Organic, Physical, Inorganic) or Applied Chemistry
or B. Sc. Engineering degree in Chemical /Mechanical /Electrical & Electronic /Materials
& Metallurgical Engineering. An applicant with M. Sc. degree but not having a Bachelor
(honours) degree in Chemistry or Applied Chemistry should have a first class (or
equivalent) in the M. Sc. degree.
For admission to the course leading to the award of M. Phil degree in Physics, an
applicant must have a four-year B. A / B. Sc. degree (or equivalent) with Honours or M.
Sc. degree in Physics or applied Physics or B.Sc. Engineering in Electrical & Electronic /
Materials and Metallurgical Engineering. An applicant with M. Sc. degree (or equivalent)
but not having a Bachelor (honors) degree in Physics or applied Physics should have a
first class (or equivalent) in the M. Sc degree.
For admission to the course leading to the award of the degree of M. Phil. (Mat. Sc.)
an applicant must have a four-year Bachelor’s degree or a Master’s degree with Honours
in Physics / Applied Physics and Electronics / Electronics and Applied Physics /
Chemistry / Applied Chemistry / Applied Chemistry and Chemical Technology /
Chemical Technology and Polymer Science / Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science
/ Geology / Mining / Geology and Mining / Geological Science / Environmental Science /
Materials Science and Technology or its equivalent degree from any recognized
The selected candidate may be required to undertake non credit prerequisite courses at
the undergraduate and / or post graduate level as may be determined by the BPGS of
Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Department. - Admission and Registration Procedures
Applications for admission to the above courses shall be invited through regular
means of advertisement and shall be received by the Registrar.
Before being finally selected for admission a candidate may be required to appear at
an oral and / or written test by a Selection Committee as constituted by the BPGS.
He/She will be required to take pre-requisite courses as may be prescribed by the
Selection Committee. Every selected candidate, unless he/she has already been registered,
shall get himself/herself registered with the University.
After admission each student shall be assigned, by the appropriate BPGS, an Adviser
from among the teachers of the Department not below the rank of an Assistant Professor.
In advance of each enrolment and course registration for any semester, the Adviser or
Supervisor (as appointed by Art. 8.1 of this ordinance) shall check and approve his/her
student’s schedule for courses, pre-requisites as recommended by the Selection
Committee and the total hours. The student is expected to consult his/her Adviser on all
academic matters. However, it is the responsibility of the individual student to see that
his/her schedule conforms to the academic regulations.
Every registered student shall get himself/herself enrolled on payment of prescribed
fees and other dues as per the University rules before the commencement of each
semester. In an academic year there will be normally two semesters. All courses
registration must be completed within two weeks from the start of a semester.
On the recommendation of the appropriate BPGS and CASR the rules for admission
into the University for post graduate studies shall be framed from time to time by the
Academic Council. CASR on its own may, if it deems fit, recommend such rules for
admission for approval of the Academic Council.
No late registration will be allowed after two weeks of designated dates of
registration. Late registration after this date may only be accepted for thesis if the student
submits a written appeal to the Registrar through the concerned Head and can document
extenuating circumstances such as medical problems (physically incapacitated and not
able to be presented) from the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of the University or some
other academic commitments which precluded registration prior to be last date of
Student will be charged a late registration fee of Tk.1000.00 (One thousand) only. This
extra fee will not be waived whatever be the reason for late registration.
If a student is unable to complete the final examination of a semester due to serious
illness or serious accident or official commitment he/she may apply to the Registrar in a
prescribed form though Head/Director of the degree awarding Department/Institute for
total withdrawal from the semester within a week after the end of the semester final
The application must be supported by a medical certificate from the CMO, BUET or
relevant Official documents. The Academic Council will take the final decision about
such application on the recommendation of the relevant BPGS/RAC. - Academic Requirements and Regulations
The minimum duration of the M. Phil course shall normally be four semesters. A
candidate for the M. Phil degree must complete all the requirements for the degree within
five academic years (Session) from the date of the first admission in the respective
Academic progress shall be measured in terms of credit hours earned by a student.
One credit hour course shall normally require 14 hours of lecture for one semester; while
one credit hour for thesis/ laboratory should normally require 42 hours of work for one
semester. The number of credit hours for each course shall be as specified in the syllabus
of the respective department.
The credit hour requirement for the M. Phil programm shall be as follows.
For the degree of M. Phil in Physics, Chemistry and Material Science a student must
earn a minimum of 48 credit hours including a thesis for which 30 credit hours shall be
For the degree of M. Phil in Mathematics a student must earn a minimum of 48 credit
hours including a thesis for which 24 credit hours shall be assigned.
There shall be two categories of students, namely, full-time students and part-time
A student may enroll as a part-time student.
Students, serving in different organizations, may also be admitted as part time students
with the written consent of the employer. A part time student may be assigned a
maximum of 9 credit hours of course including thesis work in any semester.
Full time students must register for a minimum of 12 credit hours and a maximum of
15 credit hours per semester. A full time student shall not be allowed to be in the
employment of any organization (even as a part time employee). However, they may be
employed as Teaching/Research Assistant at the University. If a full time student
becomes an employee ( full time or part time) of any other organization in the middle of a
semester, he/she may, with the approval of the Head of the Department and his/her
Employer, be allowed to continue as a full time student for that semester.
A student may be allowed to switch from part-time to full-time or vice versa on the
recommendation of the respective BPGS before the commencement of a semester.
The courses of study in the different departments shall be as recommended by the
respective BPGS and the faculty and approved by the Academic Council. The BPGS
may review the curriculum from time to time and recommend any changes as may be
considered necessary. The courses to be offered in any semester shall also be as
determined by the relevant BPGS.
A student on recommendation of the relevant BPGS and as approved by the CASR
may be allowed to transfer a maximum of 9.0 credits of the courses completed by the
student at a recognized institution provided that the courses were not taken earlier than
five calander years from the date of his first enrolment in the respective programme at
BUET and that the student obtained a minimum GP of 3.0 out of 4.0 or its equivalent in
such courses and that the courses are equivalent to the approved courses of BUET. - Grading system
Final grades for courses shall be recorded as follows:
Grade Merit description Grade points
A (Plus) Excellent 4.0
A Very good 3.5
B (Plus) Good 3.0
B Average 2.5
C Pass 2.0
F Failure 0.0
I Incomplete (for theory courses) –
S Satisfactory –
U Unsatisfactory –
W Withdrawn –
X In Progress (for thesis) –
I Discontinued (for thesis) –
Courses in which the student gets F grades shall not be counted towards credit hour
requirements and for the calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA).
The C grades, up to a maximum of two courses, may be ignored for calculation of
GPA at the written request of the student to the Head of the department on the
recommendation of the supervisor / Advisor , provided that the student has fulfilled the
total course credit hour requirement in the remaining subjects with a minimum GPA of
When a course is repeated for improvement, better grade shall be counted for
calculation of GPA.
Performance in all the subjects including all the F grades shall be reflected in the
Grade I is given only when a student is unable to sit for the examination of a course at
the end of the semester because of circumstances beyond his/her control, he/she must
apply to the Head of the concerned Department within one week after the examination to
get an I grade in that course. It must be completed within the next two semesters,
otherwise, the I becomes a F grade. He/She may, however, be allowed to register without
further payment of tuition fees for that course.
Students may enroll for non-credit course(s) termed as audit course(s) on
recommendation of his/her thesis Supervisor and Head of the Department. However, his
grade for such course(s) will not be counted for calculating his/her GPA.
Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory- used only as final grades for thesis and non-credit
courses. An X grade shall be recorded for thesis continuation. If, however, thesis is
discontinued an I grade shall be recorded.
A student shall withdraw officially from a course within two working weeks of the
commencement of the semester or else his/her grade in that course shall be recorded as F
unless he/she is eligible to get a grade of I. A student may be permitted to withdraw and
change his/her course within the specified period with the approval of his/her Adviser,
Head of the department and the respective teacher(s) concerned. (In that case his / her
grade in the courses registered shall be recorded as ‘W’ in his Academic Record but shall
not be reflected in the transcript)
Numerical markings may be made in answer scripts, tests etc., but all final gradings
to be reported to the Controller of Examinations shall be in the letter grade system as
detailed below:
90% and above : A (Plus)
80% to below 90% : A
70% to below 80% : B (Plus)
60% to below 70% : B
50% to below 60% : C
Below 50% : F - Conduct of Examination
In addition to tests, assignments and/or examinations during the semester as may be
given by the teacher(s) concerned, there shall be a written examination and/or other tests
for each of the courses offered in a semester at the end of that semester, the dates of
which shall be announced by the Controller of Examinations, BUET as advised by Dean
of the respective Faculty at least two weeks before the commencement of the
examination. The final grade in a course shall be based on the performance in all tests,
assignments and /or examinations.
The Controller of Examinations shall keep upto-date record of all the grades obtained
by a student in individual Academic Record Card. Grades shall be announced by the
Controller of Examinations at the end of each semester. In addition, each student is
entitled to one official transcript of the University record at the completion of his/her
academic programme from the office of the Controller of Examinations on production of
statement of clearance from all departments/ institutes/offices.
The BPGS of a department shall recommend the names of the paper setters and
examiners for the semester examinations at least two weeks before the date of
commencement of the examination to the Vice-Chancellor for approval. - Qualifying Requirements
The qualifying requirement for graduation is that a student must earn a minimum
grade point of 2.65 based on the weighted average in his course work.
The qualifying requirement for graduation is that a student must earn a minimum
grade point of 2.65 based on the weighted average in his course work.
The qualifying requirement for graduation is that a student must earn a minimum
grade point of 2.65 based on the weighted average in his course work.
A student shall not be allowed to continue the programme if he/she obtains a total of
three or more F grades in one or more than one subjects taken together, during the course
of his / her studies.
If at the end of the second or any subsequent semester, the cumulative GPA falls
below 2.5 he/she shall not be allowed to continue in the programme.
In addition to successful completion of course works every student shall submit a
thesis on his/her research work fulfilling the requirements as detailed in the following
sections. - Thesis
Research work for a thesis shall be carried out under the supervision of a full-time
member of the staff belonging to the relevant department. However, in special cases, a
full-time member of the staff belonging to a department outside the student’s relevant
department or an institute/centre of the University may be appointed as Supervisor, if the
research content of the thesis is within the field of specialization of the member of the
department/institute/centre. A Co-supervisor from within or outside the department may
be appointed, if necessary. The thesis proposal of a student shall be submitted for
approval of the CASR on the recommendation of the relevant BPGS after completion of
at least 12 credit hours of course work.
If any change is necessary in the approved thesis (title, content, cost, Supervisor, Cosupervisor
etc.) it shall be submitted for approval of the CASR on recommendation of
the relevant BPGS.
The research work must be carried out in this University or at a place(s)
recommended by the BPGS. The work schedule and financial involvement should be
mentioned in the research proposal for carrying out research work outside the university.
Every student shall submit to the Head of the Department through his/her Supervisor,
required number of type written copies of his/her thesis in the approved format (as given
in Appendix I) on or before a date to be fixed by the Supervisor concerned in consultation
with the Head of the Department.
The student shall certify (as given in Appendix-II) that the research work was done by
him/her and that this work has not been submitted elsewhere for the award of any other
diploma or degree.
The thesis should demonstrate an evidence of satisfactory knowledge in the field of
research undertaken by the student.
Every student submitting a thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements of a degree,
shall be required to appear at an oral examination, on a date or dates fixed by the
Supervisor concerned in consultation with the Head of the Department and must satisfy
the examiners that he/she is capable of intelligently applying the results of this research to
the solution of problems, of undertaking independent work, and also afford evidence of
satisfactory knowledge related to the theory and technique used in his/her research work.
8.8 Thesis Examination Board
An Examination Board for every student for thesis and oral examination shall be
approved by the CASR on recommendation of the thesis Supervisor in consultation with
the Head of the Department. The Supervisor shall act as the Chairman and the Head of
the Department will be an ex-officio member of the Examination Board. The Board shall
consist of at least four members including the Head of the Department and the Supervisor.
The Examination Board shall be constituted as follows:
(i.) Supervisor Chairman
(ii.) Co-supervisor (if any) Member
(iii.) Head of the Department (Ex-officio) Member
(iv.) One or two members from within the Department Member
(v.) One external member from outside the student’s Member
Department (External)
If any examiner is unable to accept the appointment or has to relinquish his
appointment before the examination, the Vice- Chancellor shall appoint another examiner
in his/her place, on suggestion from the Supervisor in consultation with the Head of the
Department. This appointment will be reported to the CASR.
In case a student fails to satisfy the Examination Board in thesis and /or oral
examination, the student shall be given one more chance to resubmit the thesis and/or
appear in oral examination as recommended by the Board.
9 Striking off and removal of names from the rolls
The name of the student shall be struck off and / or removed from the rolls of the
University on the following grounds:
(i) Non-payment of dues within prescribed period. Post graduate students residing in the
halls of residence shall be subject to the same conditions as allowed in the Ordinance
Relating to the Board of Residence and Discipline.
(ii) Failing to proceed with the programme by the exercise of Art.4.1 or 7.2 or 7.3 of this
(iii) Failing to make satisfactory progress in his/her programme as reported by the
supervisor through the BPGS and approved by CASR.
(iv) Forced to discontinue his/her studies by the Board of Residence and Discipline.
(v) Withdrawn officially from the M. Phil programme
10 Academic fees
Items of Academic fees shall be as per Appendix III, and the fees shall be reviewed
and recommended from time to time by the Academic Council.
11 Refund of Fees
A student withdrawing officially from all courses and / or thesis as per Art. 9(v) is
entitled to get a refund of 50% of the course registration fees provided he / she withdraws
in writing through the respective Head of the Department before the expiry of two
working weeks from the commencement of the classes. Thesis registration fees in any
case are not refundable.